Thursday, June 21, 2012

You Can't be an Environmentalist and for Open Borders at the Same Time

The bottom line on environmentalism and immigration is that the latter affects the former tremendously.  Loss of habitat is the most serious problem facing animals under stress.  We are losing thousands of animals, plants and other living things each year, directly caused by man's activities.  (

By encouraging unchecked immigration into the United States, as well as not emphasizing family planning among the people already here, we are putting increased pressure on all of the living creatures who call North America home.


Me?  I support the variety and diversity of life in North America, and work to sharply curtail immigration, both legal and illegal.

Scott Slotterbeck

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I see that Barak has done an end-around on immigration, hoping to buy the hispanic vote with this back-door amnesty (thanks for this quote from Governor Brewer of Arizona).

What no one seems to mention is that Mexicans are not the only group here illegally.  The number of illegal Chinese here is incalculable.  These people (and many other ethnic groups) either purchase there way here, or get a temporary visa, and then just over stay their visa, rightly guessing that no one is going to much bother with them.  Then their kids are born here, are then automatic citizens, and they of course it is 'inhuman' to send the parents back to Vietnam, China, Africa or wherever they are from.

What no one mentions is the terrible toll this takes on America's wildlife.  The country itself is at a stable population when internal growth is taken into account.  It is the unfettered immigration that leads to the urban sprawl that is costing wildlife through loss of habitat. 

That is the real tragedy of this uncontrolled immigration; loss of habitat, more pollution, more fossil fuels wasted, more land torn up to make way for millions of illegals.