Friday, June 26, 2015

Gay Marriage

As expected, the Supreme Court legalized homosexual marriage throughout the land.

By a narrow 5-4 ruling, the court held that gay marriage cannot be banned by the states, even when the state's population has made it clear they do not want it.

Anthony Kennedy exhibited his continued journey from conservative justice to liberal outlook.  He claims that the 14th amendment to the Constitution protects marriage of any sort to exist, everywhere.

By this tortured reasoning, any marriage between anyone, and anything, and in any number, is now legal.  Expect a quick legal effort to make polygamy likewise legal, which will happen because 'love' is all that counts.

Next, expect an assault on religion.  How can a church refuse to glorify same-sex marriage when it is supposedly protected by the Constitution (which, by the way, is silent on the subject.  This is more reaching by the liberal majority on the court).  I anticipate an early effort to censure any religion that refuses to perform same-sex weddings.

Already it's illegal for persons who for religious reasons to refuse to celebrate homosexual marriage.  They will be fined harshly by the government if they don't jump up and down in joy when ordered by gay couples to do their bidding.

It will be interesting to see if any gays are foolish enough to demand that Muslims perform such weddings.  They won't because they only demand those who will easily fold, such as Christians.

It's a sad day for America.

First the homosexuals want to change the law making it a crime to engage in their sexual behavior.  Well, OK.  Then they wanted to adopt children.  Well, there's a shortage of adoptive parents, so, OK.  Then they wanted to have spousal rights of joint ownership and survival benefits.  I guess.  Then they wanted gay marriage.  Now they want us not only to tolerate their behavior, but to celebrate it.

If we don't enthusiastically scream our assent, then we are bigots and evil.

This is what America has come to.  And we let it happen by electing liberals who have packed the court with looney leftists.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

On the Confederate Flag

First of all, I don't like the Confederate Flag.  I don't like the South's role in the Civil War, which was fought over one issue, and one issue only: slavery.  I don't think it should be raised on the grounds of the state capitol of any state, and I don't think the South's role in the conflict should be honored or glorified.

That said, I abhor the sudden silencing of those who wish to display such items as the Confederate flag, Confederate memorabilia, or any other image that evokes the Southern Cause. 

It's only abhorrent speech that the first amendment protects.  If you agree with me 100%, I'm going to support your speech, obviously.  But if you vehemently disagree with me, I must also support your right to free speech.

Political correctness rears it's ugly head yet again.  Those on the left can't seem to understand that one day, their speech may be unpopular, and restricted.  Then, of course, they will squirm.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Are We At War With China?

Today comes the news that the federal government personnel files have been hacked, and (once again) it looks as though the Chinese government is responsible.  The group nicknamed 'Deep Panda', also thought responsible for the hacking of health insurer Anthem Blue Cross, has accessed 4.1 million current and former federal employees.  They took personnel information including names, addresses, pay grades, pension and health insurance data.  It's not clear if the breach included Social Security numbers

This isn't even the first time Chinese hackers have targeted the Office of Personnel Management.  In March, 2014, they nabbed the names of people who had applied for top secret security clearances.

OPM says they fend off 2.5 billion hack attempts each month.  Most, obviously are thwarted.  But when you have the resources of the Chinese government behind you, you're facing the best computer geeks on the planet.

What are the Chinese up to?  We've seen other provocative moves by the Chinese lately, including the construction and occupation of artificial islands to be used as military bases in the South China Sea.  China is ramping up its military spending is growing at a 10-12% rate per annum.  That's in contrast to the United State's virtually flat budget, although that may soon change. 

Since China's revenue comes primarily from exporting around the world, kind of make you wonder why we keep buying their stuff.  Every dollar we send to China is another dollar available for their intelligence and military budgets.

We really do seem to be in a conflict with the Chinese, whether we realize it or not.