Thursday, November 15, 2012

I see that the Republican party is ready to give up on the immigration front.  They apparently lost the Hispanic vote (traditionally Democrat for decades), so the two point loss that Romney suffered is a 'mandate' to go left of the Democrats on this issue.

A two-point win by Obama is not a mandate to do anything, let alone open the borders to anyone who wants to come to this country and start living on the largess of the United States government.

We must look at the bigger picture.  More immigration into the US means that more and more animals and plants will simply go extinct.  Some pundits are calling the times we live in the sixth era of extensive species extinction.

What causes an animal to go on the endangered list?  The biggest reason is loss of habitat.  This means for every person who comes as an immigrant to this country puts that much more pressure on the animals and plants that just 'are in the way'. 

What to do about it?  First, let's limit legal immigration to perhaps 100,000 per year.  Second, we need to work to send all illegals back to their country of origin, be it Mexico, El Salvador, China, South Korea or wherever. 

If we don't work to stop massive immigration, more and more animals will disappear from the planet.

And that is something I just can't abide without a fight!

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